Pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext
Pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext

I am trying to use the GetGUIThreadInfo Win32 function. or maybe there's a better way to approach it?

Pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext windows#

General fine-tuning and improvements in Get-Window-Text for all MS Windows OS. I need help with every step I've mentioned. Improvements in Get-Window-Text when reading the texts on multi-monitor MS Windows operating systems. I also need to somehow capture the "special" keystroke no matter what application has focus. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. However, GetWindowText cannot retrieve the text of a control in another. PInvokeStackImbalance was detected Message: A call to PInvoke function 'ChatClientCard.Card::cdtDrawExt' has unbalanced the stack. My only idea is to somehow loop through all the windows on the desktop, find the one with focus, and then extract whatever text is currently highlighted. Managed Debugging Assistant PInvokeStackImbalance : A call to PInvoke. The app that I saw do this isn't a dot net app, but hopefully it is still possible in dot net.

pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext

Now - I've seen an app do this (something very similar)! It extracted selected text from a simple app I wrote - so there's no special Office Automation magic or something like that going on. (As a silly example, lets say it generates a text file, puts "hello" in it, and saves it. Then I press something like and my program, which is running but is not the application with focus, responds to the keystroke by performing a special action where the parameter is the word "hello". Put another way, suppose I have Notepad running, and in the text that it is displaying I hightlight the word "Hello". To simplify the discussion, lets say I want to perform a "special action" when a "special" key is pressed using the text that is highlighted in whatever window has focus, regardless of what the application is. Then they showed me an app that could do it.

pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext

When they first asked for this, I said it couldn't be done.

Pinvokestackimbalance getwindowtext